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GC promotional thematic

Custom CSS and/or JavaScript for GC promotional thematic use. Check out the current list of promotional thematic projects below.

Support is provided during the wet-boew weekly code sprint happening remotely every Tuesday afternoon.

Rules for a proper GC promotional thematic project

Most of the information gathering from the rules described above must be put in a meta file accompanied with the project, see Canada day project as an example.

Keep in mind that all active features from any GC promotional thematic project are going to be merged into one unique CSS file and one unique JS file, like any méli-mélo compilation. This framework for GC promotional thematic projects is excluded from the GCWeb public API. Any change or removal would only trigger a patch release of GCWeb. That means the author are fully responsible but not required to documents any subsequent change they would make to their project.

Progressive enhancement approach

If any thematic feature is removed from a web page, that page doesn't "break" and can still be surfed on without any functional or design issues nor accessibility failures caused by such removal. If helpers are used to keep a web page integrity, the project must have implementation notes just like the Canada day's implementation notes on its Details page.

Expiration date

A promotional thematic feature has to indicate a removal target date that is less than one (1) year from its original submission. As needed, extensions can be granted upon agreement of interest parties. During the renewal process, the wet-boew maintainers team may ask for additional evidences for an extension, may require the removal of some sub-features or may initiate their conversion into méli-mélo features.

Temporary implementation measure

We are currently in progress of adapting our build script to support those GC promotional thematic features on their own. As an interim measure, we are going to use the méli-mélo compilation named "gc-thematic" to let departments start using this framework for their GC promotional campaign needs.

Current list of GC promotional thematic projects

List of all CSS classes in alphabetical order

GC promotional thematic meta file

feature: thématique
lang: en
title: Title of the thematic usage
description: Short description of the added style
componentName: th-thematicName
expiry: Month DD, YYYY
- List of CSS class
- List of javascript function
a11yStatement: >
  Accessibility statement, describe what was tested, include any notes/instructions for implementers to follow in order to maintain the accessibility conformance, during and after the thematic expiration.
  Tested by (Name of the person - YYYY-MM-DD.
- Progressive enhancement notes and instructions
    - title: Title of the page
      language: en
      path: index.html
sponsor: Department - Representative name (@ github handle)
output: false
Mandatory: Expected to have the exact value thématique
Mandatory: Technical code name for the project
Mandatory: Expiry date of when project feature can be safely removed
Mandatory: Expected to have the exact value false
Mandatory: Accessibility conformance statement
Optional: Note and instructions to implement the thematic following progressive enhancement design approach
Optional: Array for CSS class name which the project define
Optional: Array for public JavaScript function name which the project define

See also: Méli-mélo features for custom code that is in a preliminary state of experimentation.

Page details

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