The following changes have been made since version 2.0:
Added a contextual band above the main band.
The .landscape class was renamed to .gc-main-footer
Added new heading “Government of Canada” in the main band.
Added row of government-wide links.
Added short white horizontal rule to separate government-wide links and theme and topics links.
Modified the list of themes and topics links.
The classes for the themes and topics links list were updated to list-col-xs-1 list-col-sm-2 list-col-md-3.
Some lists now use the CSS “Flexbox” feature which distributes links horizontally instead of vertically.
Links are now displayed in one (1) column on extra small screens, in two (2) columns on small screens, and in three (3) columns on medium screens and up.
The .brand class was renamed to .gc-sub-footer
The links “Terms and conditions” and “Privacy” have to remain visible at all times, even when noFooterCorporate is set to true.
Removed “Top of page” anchor.
Complete rework of the footer’s headings for accessibility.
GCWeb Jekyll specific: Footer skip link should always remain.
Changed the “Veterans and military” URL.
The following changes have been made since version 4.0:
the title and links are defined globally in _config.yml. It is also possible to remove the contextual band globally by removing its definition in _config.yml.
the title and links can be changed for specific pages in the page’s contextualFooter property.
The links “Terms and conditions” and “Privacy” are visible at all times, even when noFooterCorporate is set to true.