Language selection


Page feedback tool with contact link

Unstable feature

To be used at your own risks. All functionalities described below could be removed in any subsequent minor/major release and are excluded from the GCWeb public API.

Documentation and/or working examples for those features could be incomplete or not available.

See all provisional features.

Soft launch

The Page feedback tool with contact link component on this page implements the version provisional which has been soft launched until the official guidance is published by the Digital Transformation Office at TBS.

HTML code

<div id="gc-pft" class="row wb-disable-allow" data-wb-jsonmanager='{
	"name": "gc-pft",
	"extractor": [
		{ "selector": "title", "path": "pageData/pageTitle" },
		{ "selector": "html", "attr": "lang", "path": "pageData/language" },
		{ "interface": "locationHref", "path": "pageData/submissionPage" },
		{ "selector": "#wb-lng ul li:first-child a[lang]", "attr": "href", "path": "pageData/oppositelang" },
		{ "selector": "[data-feedback-theme]", "attr": "data-feedback-theme", "path": "pageData/themeopt" },
		{ "selector": "[data-feedback-section]", "attr": "data-feedback-section", "path": "pageData/sectionopt" },
		{ "selector": "meta[name=\"dcterms.creator\"]", "attr": "content", "path": "pageData/institutionopt" },
		{ "selector": "[data-feedback-link]", "attr": "data-feedback-link", "path": "contact/link" },
		{ "selector": "[data-feedback-url]", "attr": "data-feedback-url", "path": "contact/url" }
	<div class="col-sm-10 col-md-9 col-lg-8">
		<section class="well mrgn-bttm-0">
			<h3 class="wb-inv">Give feedback about this page</h3>
			<form action="" method="post" class="wb-postback wb-disable-allow" data-wb-postback='{"success":".gc-pft-thnk"}'>
				<div class="wb-disable-allow" data-wb-json='{
					"url": "#[gc-pft]/pageData",
					"mapping": [
						{ "selector": "input", "attr": "name", "value": "/@id" },
						{ "selector": "input", "attr": "value", "value": "/@value" }
						<input type="hidden" name="" value="" />
				<fieldset class="gc-pft-btns chkbxrdio-grp row row-no-gutters d-sm-flex flex-sm-wrap align-items-sm-center">
					<legend class="col-xs-12 col-sm-7 nojs-col-sm-12 col-md-9 col-lg-8 text-center text-sm-left nojs-text-left mrgn-tp-sm pr-sm-3"><span class="field-name">Did you find what you were looking for?</span></legend>
					<div class="col-xs-12 nojs-show">
						<button name="helpful" value="Yes-Oui" class="btn btn-primary" aria-describedby="gc-pft-why">Yes</button>
					<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-5 col-md-3 col-lg-4 text-center text-sm-right nojs-hide">
						<button name="helpful" value="Yes-Oui" class="btn btn-primary">Yes</button>
						<button class="btn btn-primary mrgn-lft-sm" data-wb-doaction='[
				<div class="gc-pft-no nojs-show">
					<p id="gc-pft-why" class="nojs-show mrgn-tp-lg mrgn-bttm-md">If not, tell us why below:</p>
					<p class="nojs-hide wb-inv" aria-live="polite">Tell us why below:</p>
					<div class="wb-disable-allow"  data-wb-json='{
						"url": "#[gc-pft]/contact",
						"streamline": "true",
						"mapping": [
								"template": "[data-contact-template]",
								"test": "fn:isLiteral",
								"assess": "/url",
								"mapping": [
									{ "selector": "a", "type": "attr", "attr": "href", "value": "/url"  },
									{ "selector": "a", "value": "/link"  }
						<template data-contact-template>
								<summary>Need urgent help with a problem? Contact us</summary>
								<p class="mrgn-bttm-0 mrgn-tp-md fnt-nrml">
									<a href="#"></a>
					<div class="form-group">
						<label id="gc-pft-prblm-label" for="gc-pft-prblm" class="mrgn-bttm-0"><span class="field-name">Please provide more details</span></label>
						<p id="gc-pft-prblm-note" class="mrgn-bttm-sm"><small>You will not receive a reply. Don't include personal information (telephone, email, SIN, financial, medical, or work details).</small></p>
						<p id="gc-pft-prblm-instruction" class="fnt-nrml small">Maximum 300 characters</p>
						<textarea id="gc-pft-prblm" aria-describedby="gc-pft-prblm-note gc-pft-prblm-instruction" name="details" class="form-control full-width" maxlength="300"></textarea>
					<button name="helpful" value="No-Non" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
			<div class="gc-pft-thnk hide">
				<p class="mrgn-tp-sm mrgn-bttm-0" role="status"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok text-success mrgn-rght-sm" aria-hidden="true"></span> Thank you for your feedback.</p>

Page details

Date modified: